Consortium of Adventist Higher Education


Consortium of Adventist Higher Education (CAREonline)是由 Adventist Association of Colleges 和 Universities as a partial response to the Future of Adventist Higher Education Summit which highlighted the need for collaboration in support of the mission of the 基督复临安息日会 church. 的 consortium’s first initiative is working with Acadeum using a model of course sharing that will benefit all parties involved: the student, the 教学机构,学生的 家机构, 和 all who value the principles 和 philosophy of Adventist higher education. 

Visit the NAD CareOnline website to learn more.

Two Consortia: CAREonline 和 CIC

bet365中文大学 students can now enjoy more online courses through either CAREonline 或者是 Council of Independent Colleges (CIC) Consortium,均可通过 Acadeum平台.

Fill a gap to 研究生 sooner. Take 研究生 program prerequisites in residence. Fulfill continuing education requirements faster, or simply enrich your life 和 ministry anytime, 在任何地方. 

How it Works for Andrews 学生

Approved consortium classes earn bet365中文大学 in-residence credits. This means they are part of your bet365中文大学 course load, billed at your campus tuition rate, 和 paid through your financial plan.

Classes are currently registered for you by the 学院的 远程教育 和 Records (not through 注册中心), so please follow these steps to enroll:

  • Discuss adding a Consortium class with your academic 顾问 first.  Enter keywords 和 use filters in the Acadeum course search to narrow options to two or three.
  • Check that the class fits within your course load f或者是 semester selected. As many Consortium classes are completed in 5 to 8 weeks, plan for a lighter load of full-semester classes to fit this intensive in to study time 和 your financial plan.
  • Once you have weighed up all the options, email your academic 顾问 your commitment. Your 顾问 then emails the the approved class 信息 (course title, 教学机构名称, start 和 end date selected) to Glynis Bradfield博士 in the 学院的 远程教育.
  • If the class is offered by another department, that department chair will be contacted by Bradfield博士 if this or a similar class has not been previously approved.
  • 一旦学生, 顾问, 和 department chair approvals are received by Bradfield博士 via email, the student is enrolled manually into a 960 section, the course appears in the semester schedule in IVUE 和 on your financial record. 电子邮件s confirming the registration will come from both Andrews 和 the 教学机构.
  • 阅读来自 教学机构, to set up access to their learning management system, 完成任意方向, 和 purchase any study materials before class starts.
  • Note the start 和 end dates f或者是 Consortium course, as they will likely differ from Andrews semester dates. You are responsible for meeting 教学机构 deadlines, 和 communicating using the contact 信息 provided.
  • Communicate with the course instructor to clarify any learning activities, ask for tutoring or tech help, 和 to note any unforeseen changes that impede your progress.
  • If you feel withdrawal is necessary, review the withdrawal policy which should be included in the syllabus 和/或者是 course space. You will complete the Andrews 删除/添加表单, get your academic 和 financial 顾问's signatures, the Dean's signature if after the drop/add deadline f或者是 semester. Attach the signed form to an email to academicrecords@和,复制 Bradfield博士 who will get the drop done with the 教学机构. You do NOT need the instructor's signature. 退款 are available f或者是 first few days only, 和 vary by 机构 offering the course. 

学生 may choose to take class through other colleges 和 universities by applying directly with that university as a non-degree, 客人或临时学生. 的re are times when this can save time 和 money 和 access classes not offered at the time through either CAREonline 或者是 CIC Consortium.  完成bet365中文 临时学生申请 before enrolling to ensure the credits will transfer as desired.